I’ve been experimenting with Opera for the past month. The world, at least the Windows world, is divided into Internet Explorer and Firefox users. With a contingent of Google Chrome users and Safari users. I’ve never used Chrome — Google’s EULA was creepy as hell — and while I’ve given Apple’s Safari a try, IContinue reading “On Working With Opera”
Tag Archives: E-Mail
On E-Mail Inaccessibility
For the record, I love my e-mail client. I use The Bat. I discovered it, what seems like ten years ago, and didn’t begin to use it regularly (yes, finally abandoning Outlook Express) until about 2001. What I love about The Bat is that it works hard to be secure. And that means that it’sContinue reading “On E-Mail Inaccessibility”
On an E-Mail Gripe
Well, that was a fun ten minutes. I tried to send an e-mail. I couldn’t connect to my SMTP server. Why? Because Earthlink had put up some extra jiggery-pokery to prevent spammers from using their servers. Well, yippee. My e-mail error log gave me a URL to visit. So I did. And it wasn’t helpful.Continue reading “On an E-Mail Gripe”
On This and That
I’ve had something on my mind for a few days, and I wanted to air it. At work this week (well, really the last three or so) I’ve been going through databases and checking the data contained therein against other databases. And I’ve noticed something, and I wanted to ask. When was it okay toContinue reading “On This and That”
On Spam and Ham
Years ago I made the switch to non-Microsoft products for web browsing and e-mail. Though I liked Internet Explorer back in the early days and thought Outlook (and Outlook Express) were nifty little programs, reports of their security failings prompted me to look elsewhere for my Internet needs. The choice of Opera as a webContinue reading “On Spam and Ham”
On Receiving Unwanted Spam
Anyone who has an e-mail address receives spam. Depending on your filtering methods, you may see very little of it, or you may see a lot. Earlier this week I received a message from Kevin Kline. He was trying to interest me in some thing or the other. I don’t recall, exactly. What I doContinue reading “On Receiving Unwanted Spam”
On an E-Mail Annoyance
I don’t own a digital camera. I like film. It’s the texture–film has a texture a digital photo just can’t capture. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the appeal of digital photography, and being able to spread photos far and wide and fast is something that film photography can’t compete with. For myself, if I’veContinue reading “On an E-Mail Annoyance”
On an E-Mail Frustration
I sold some stock a few days ago. Today, my brokerage sent me an e-mail presumably confirming that the transaction went through. I say “presumably” because this is the message I received: This is a graphic email message. If you are reading this message then your email program does not support HTML format. We recommendContinue reading “On an E-Mail Frustration”
E-mail woes
Well, that was fun. Yesterday morning my e-mail program, The Bat, locked up, giving me the dreaded Blue Screen of Death. I had downloaded on Thursday the latest upgrade and installed it over my current version. Through Thursday and Friday everything was fine. But not Saturday. Note to self: Leave well enough alone. If itContinue reading “E-mail woes”