I should have known better. Oh, I should have known better. Jean Airey’s The Doctor and the Enterprise. Many years ago I tracked down a copy of this story, years later I found it online. A few years ago, I learned that Airey had written a sequel to her Trek/Who crossover story, entitled “The LieutenantContinue reading “On "The Lieutenant and the Doctor"”
Tag Archives: fanfic
Costume Drama
Received in the mail yesterday: MythMakers 13, the Doctor Who fiction fanzine of the Doctor Who Information Network, a Canadian fan group. While I own a number of charity fanthologies, I own very few fanzines, among them Jean Airey’s “The Doctor and the Enterprise” and James Bow’s Trenchcoat series. One of the points of interestContinue reading “Costume Drama”
On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX
I read Jean Airey’s The Doctor and the Enterprise recently. 🙂 The Doctor and the Enterprise (tDatE) is frivolous fun. I’d slot it right after “The Deadly Assassin” and before the Doctor picks up Leela, but there’s a reference to K-9, so perhaps it would be best after Leela and before Romana I, so rightContinue reading “On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX”