Some discussion of the post-Asimov Foundation novels elsewhere prompted me to see what was happening with the Foundation movie that was in development. I wrote about this first in 2004, and then in 2001. It turns out there was a new development last year — Jonathan Nolan, writer of Interstellar, is developing a television seriesContinue reading “How to Make a Foundation Television Series”
Tag Archives: Foundation
On Sony’s Upcoming Foundation Movie
Well, it’s happened. Sony has decided to make a Foundation movie. Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series has been a part of my life for a quarter century; I read the original trilogy when I was a freshman in high school, then Foundation’s Edge and Foundation and Earth the next year. Shortly thereafter, the Robots novels followed.Continue reading “On Sony’s Upcoming Foundation Movie”
On Childhood Memories and the Christmas Sensawunder
As I left the office Monday evening, the moon, a waxing crescent, held in the sky to the south southwest. There was a planet nearby in the sky, I presumed it was Jupiter, just from its brightness, but I didn’t honestly know. In general, the sky was remarkably clear. Monday had been a brutally windyContinue reading “On Childhood Memories and the Christmas Sensawunder”
On a Foundation Movie
A recent announcement from Locus: “The film version of [Isaac] Asimov’s ‘Foundation’ trilogy optioned in 2000 by Fox, is moving forward, with a screenwriter assigned, and will likely appear as two films, ‘Foundation’ and ‘Second Foundation.’” You want my honest opinion? I think Foundation is pretty much unfilmable. But I’d have said that about TheContinue reading “On a Foundation Movie”