This week, we’ve had pleasant weather. Until today. Today is going to be a scorcher. Temperatures at the triple-digit mark. And then! Maryland was struck by an earthquake! With all this bad in the world, with the Earth itself being greatly wroth, what’s a person to do? What can a person use to distract himselfContinue reading “On Friday Morning Randomness”
Tag Archives: Futurama
On Things I’ve Been Reading
I haven’t done one of my comic book reading round-ups since, umm, well… it’s been about nine months. I’ve read a lot of comics in the past nine months. I’m not going to try and catch up on things I’ve read; instead, I’ll point out three things I’ve read recently. Do Androids Dream of ElectricContinue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”
On Saturday Randomness
At long last, it’s snowing. I looks nice, from out the office window. I’ve installed new fonts. I even got them to work on my Ubuntu install. Yes, I installed Ubuntu a few weeks ago, on a slave hard drive I wasn’t doing anything with. I’m not doing anything with Ubuntu, except to play Sudoku.Continue reading “On Saturday Randomness”
On Being a Colossal Death Robot
Courtesy of John S. Drew…. Can it, you’re Bender! Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?Brought to you by Rum and Monkey In the robot world, you are a bit of a lightweight in the colossal death league, but you do mutter “kill all humans” in your sleep – and after all, it’s the thought thatContinue reading “On Being a Colossal Death Robot”
On a Futurama Revival
Good news, everyone! Discussions are underway to revive Futurama, an animated series set in the year 3000 from the minds of Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. I loved Futurama. To be honest, I found it a better, funnier show than The Simpsons. 🙂 Please, talks, please succeed. Anything that returns Bender and Zapp BranniganContinue reading “On a Futurama Revival”
You are Bender Bending Rodriquez What Futurama Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla