The Beatles released a new “album” today. I put the word “album” in quotes because it’s not an album, not really. It’s just an iTunes compilation, along the lines of the “Essentials” collections many bands have on the service, and it’s called Tomorrow Never Knows. It’s fourteen tracks. It’s supposed to highlight the Beatles asContinue reading “On the Beatles’ New “Album””
Tag Archives: iTunes
On Coding a Podcast Feed
I returned today to a long-term project — my new website. On the train this morning, after writing out my daily office to-do list, I wrote down a list of the things that I had left to do for the site. Design a logo here, design a graphic there, review content.php, et cetera and soContinue reading “On Coding a Podcast Feed”
On Some Beatles Updates
After all my excitement that the Beatles back catalogue was finally coming to iTunes, unfortunately that’s not actually the case. I swear, it’s like Lucy and the football. Eventually, a deal will be made. There’s too much money to be made for there not to be a deal. Not just in digitial distribution, but inContinue reading “On Some Beatles Updates”
On the Beatles iTunes Deal
The Beatles may finally be coming to iTunes. It’s been rumored for a long while. The Beatles were one of the hold-outs on putting their music online. The solo catalogs are, I believe, largely available on iTunes, but songs like “Hey Jude,” “Yesterday,” and “Revolution”? Not as John, Paul, George, and Ringo created them. NotContinue reading “On the Beatles iTunes Deal”