I don’t know about anyone else, but my sleep patterns have turned to utter chaos these last three weeks. One night I might have bifurcated sleep (sleep, significant break, sleep), the next restless near-insomnia, and the next ten solid hours of sleeping like the dead. That, at least, has been my pattern over these lastContinue reading “Wrapping Up the Catalog Copy”
Tag Archives: Monty-Python
Spamalot: The Movie, Coming Our Way in 2020
Last week the news broke that Fox is working on a film adaptation of Spamalot, the musical by Eric Idle based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I’ve wanted a film adaptation of Spamalot for a while now. I wrote on TrekBBS a year ago, “I’d have preferred it ten years ago with theContinue reading “Spamalot: The Movie, Coming Our Way in 2020”
Link Round-Up: December 15
Our second link round-up! These are things I read today that interested me, with some commentary on what I read and what I thought. BBC World Service: Space – The BBC World Service has begun an occasional podcast series of podcasts on an astronomy/space exploration theme. As of right now, there are four episodes, rangingContinue reading “Link Round-Up: December 15”
Camelot, ‘Tis a Silly Place
For five years, give or take, Funko has been making a series of collectible vinyl figures called POP! The figures are based on comic books, television series, movies, comic strips, video games, even bands. There have been Beatles figures and Batman figures, Doctor Who figures and Star Wars figures, Frozen figures and Sesame Street figures.Continue reading “Camelot, ‘Tis a Silly Place”
On Receiving E-Mail from Monty Python
Yesterday morning I received an urgent e-mail from Monty Python’s Terry Gilliam. Since he didn’t ask for any confidentiality in our correspondence, I’m going to share it with you all. 🙂 TERRY GILLIAM South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR I am Terry Gilliam, British citizen and Principal assurance manager for the HSBCContinue reading “On Receiving E-Mail from Monty Python”
On Five Movies Everyone Should See
Five movies that everyone should, in my opinion, watch at least once. Y’know, I’ve never given this a moment’s thought. So here goes. 1. A Hard Day’s Night. It’s the first Beatles movie. It’s the black & white Beatles movie. It’s a riot. I love it. I’m too young to know what Beatlemania was, andContinue reading “On Five Movies Everyone Should See”
On Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer’s Cut)
The past few days I’ve been living in a Monty Python world. Edward R. Hamilton, a remaindered books seller. They also sell DVDs, and in a recent catalog I noticed they were offering Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer’s Cut), a six-hour documentary that was shown on IFC several years ago that I’d neverContinue reading “On Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer’s Cut)”
On A Brand-New Rutles Project
The Rutles! Who among us is not a fan of the Prefab Four? Who can’t remember where they were when Ron, Dirk, Stig, and Barry appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show? Who could forget the riots when they played the concert at Che Stadium? Who could forget the outcry when Dirk announced that he wasContinue reading “On A Brand-New Rutles Project”
On Seventeen Movies
The American Humanist Association is putting up ads on subway trains and buses that wish people a good, but godless, Christmas. This, frankly, is awesome, and I wholeheartedly approve. Which reminds me; this atheist is doing his Christmas cards this weekend…
On Rutlemania
Oh, if only I lived in New York City. I could, tonight, catch the final night of Rutlemania, a tribute concert to the Rutles. The Rutles! The only band that Mick Jagger truly feared! The Rutles! The band who played Che Stadium! The Rutles! The band that expanded their minds… with tea! The Rutles! RonContinue reading “On Rutlemania”