Sitting outside yesterday morning, drinking my coffee, I noticed a bird in the bushes outside my apartment’s front window. The bird wasn’t doing much, just poking his beak into the mulch. Looking for food, I guess. I gave the bird little thought. He’ll be on his way soon enough. I went inside. Half an hourContinue reading “Lo, There Shall Come a Bird!”
Tag Archives: random
On the Archetypal Allyn
Within the last month, comment spam on my blog has gone from fairly minimal to fairly insane. Fortunately, I have traps in place to catch, but I’ve had to implement something I’m not a fan of — setting it so that comments don’t appear until I approve them if the person has never commented before.Continue reading “On the Archetypal Allyn”
On the Yes/No Meme
You know what’s awesome about memes? They’re cheap content. I don’t have to do a lot of thinking, and you get something to read that says something about me. And possibly something that you, dear reader, can interact with. 🙂 This one is Dayton‘s and Jim Johnson‘s faults. You can only answer Yes or No!Continue reading “On the Yes/No Meme”
On This and That
I hate the morning commute sometimes. Going to work, I take the inner Beltway. And sometimes, the inner Beltway from 795 to 83 isn’t terrible. Sometimes it’s quite snappy. Today? It was bumper-to-bumper, slow as molasses. I go back to work, and the commute sucks. Of course, putting forty dollars in the gas tank beforeContinue reading “On This and That”
On Monday Morning Meme-age
Because it’s early, here’s two random memes courtesy of Keith. First up, fifty personal questions…
On Random Observations
Here’s a collection of random ramblings taken from recent e-mails and ‘net postings, just to keep casual readers up-to-date on the things Allyn Gibson has written elsewhere…. On Jean-Luc Picard: The Buried Age is a “Lost Era” novel. It’s about Picard’s “lost weekend” when he went to L.A., hung out with Harry Nilsson, recorded anContinue reading “On Random Observations”
On 62 Questions
Keith R.A. Decandido posted a list of sixty-one biographical questions–numbered to sixty-two, skipping number eleven. I took a crack at answering them myself, and added a question, to bring the total number to sixty-two. Read away!
We’ve all heard the line about how an infinite number of monkeys banging away at a keyboard will in the fullness of time produce the complete works of Shakespeare. A group of college students in England decided to put the theory to the test. Infinite monkeys? No, only six. Infinite time? No, only one month.Continue reading “Monkeys”