Lo, There Shall Come a Bird!

Sitting outside yesterday morning, drinking my coffee, I noticed a bird in the bushes outside my apartment’s front window. The bird wasn’t doing much, just poking his beak into the mulch. Looking for food, I guess. I gave the bird little thought. He’ll be on his way soon enough. I went inside. Half an hourContinue reading “Lo, There Shall Come a Bird!”

On This and That

I hate the morning commute sometimes. Going to work, I take the inner Beltway. And sometimes, the inner Beltway from 795 to 83 isn’t terrible. Sometimes it’s quite snappy. Today? It was bumper-to-bumper, slow as molasses. I go back to work, and the commute sucks. Of course, putting forty dollars in the gas tank beforeContinue reading “On This and That”

On Random Observations

Here’s a collection of random ramblings taken from recent e-mails and ‘net postings, just to keep casual readers up-to-date on the things Allyn Gibson has written elsewhere…. On Jean-Luc Picard: The Buried Age is a “Lost Era” novel. It’s about Picard’s “lost weekend” when he went to L.A., hung out with Harry Nilsson, recorded anContinue reading “On Random Observations”