I found something unexpected on my hard drive yesterday, working scenes from my first draft of “The Spindle of Necessity.” “Spindle,” as you may know, is a Doctor Who story I wrote for a Big Finish Short Trips anthology in the spring of 2007 in which the sixth Doctor goes on an adventure with theContinue reading “Lost Scenes from a Doctor Who Story”
Tag Archives: Spindle of Necessity
On the End of Friday
I arrived home from work today, and discovered that I’d received an unexpected package. Big Finish sent me a comp copy of Short Trips: Re:Collections. 🙂 I’ve had a copy of the book since the beginning of the month. I’d bought it from WhoNA, because I wanted a copy of the “Best Of” anthology thatContinue reading “On the End of Friday”
On Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips
Received in the mail today — Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips. As I wrote a few weeks ago, Re:Collections is the final volume in Big Finish’s series of Doctor Who short story anthologies, with a single story from each volume in the series reprinted in this volume. Among the stories in the book isContinue reading “On Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips”
On Working My Way Through Writing
Maybe it was the amount of wordage I produced at work on Thursday and Friday that left my mental space feeling bruised and battered. Maybe it was the summerlike mugginess that left me feeling physically drained. Maybe it was a little bit of both. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Whatever it was, IContinue reading “On Working My Way Through Writing”
On the Latest Review
Brendan Moody today posted a lengthy review of Short Trips: The Quality of Leadership, the Doctor Who anthology my story, “The Spindle of Necessity,” was published in last spring. Said Brendan of the anthology: “The Quality of Leadership aptly demonstrates the many forms a leader can take, but its biggest success is in assembling aContinue reading “On the Latest Review”
More on the End of Short Trips
On Friday I wrote about the end of Big Finish Productions’ Short Trips line of Doctor Who anthologies. The final volume in the series, Re:Collections, is coming out next month, and it will be a “best of” volume, featuring one story from each of the preceeding twenty-eight volumes. I found on Big Finish’s website thisContinue reading “More on the End of Short Trips”
On the End of Short Trips
Two and a half years ago, Keith DeCandido sent me an e-mail — “How would you like to write a Doctor Who story for me? I’m putting together a Short Trips anthology, and you’re on my list of writers.” No, that’s not the actual text of Keith’s e-mail, but it’s a pretty good flavor. ShortContinue reading “On the End of Short Trips”
On Unwritten Scenes
I’ve had The Lord of the Rings on the brain of late, the proximate cause being the repeated e-mails I’ve received from GameStop telling me to come into a local store to pre-order Lord of the Rings: Conquest, which came out on Wednesday. And then, of course, there was my discovery that a new TolkienContinue reading “On Unwritten Scenes”
On “The Life Bringer”
I was flipping through the new Previews — that being the catalog of upcoming comics — and I saw that IDW Publishing is continuing with their Doctor Who Classics series. According to the solicit for Doctor Who Classics Volume 2, number 1, the classic fourth Doctor story being reprinted is “The Life Bringer.” In “TheContinue reading “On “The Life Bringer””
On Reviews
Reviews of Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Quality of Leadership have begun to turn up, and I’ve been remiss in linking to them. Unreality SF, a UK-based review site, has two reviews of the book. One is by Dan, the other by Jens. Both reviews break the anthology down story by story, and both provideContinue reading “On Reviews”