Thr last few days have been a little rainy, a little chilly, a little gloomy. And work has been in a bit of a holding pattern; what I’d normally be doing this week — the order forms — has been pushed to next week, so I’ve spent the last two days trying to do nextContinue reading “A Perfect Spring Day”
Tag Archives: Spring
Spring Fever at Week’s End
Even without my alarm clock going off, my bladder “knew” when I normally woke up to go to work, and it roused me at six-thirty. I got up, took care of business, turned on the coffee pot, and opened the apartment’s front door. The clouds were pretty at dawn, and I wanted to capture theContinue reading “Spring Fever at Week’s End”
On Longer Days
We know, from the days that we’re very small, that the length of day, from sunrise to sunset, grows and shrinks as time passes. In summer we have long days. In winter we have short days. The length of a day may change by a minute, two at most, from day to day, an imperceptibleContinue reading “On Longer Days”
On Baseball, the Harbinger of Spring
I look out from my office window at the glacier that still lays across Maryland, and a thought brightens my seasonally-affected spirits. The knowledge that pitchers and catchers have reported in Florida and Arizona. Soon, on fields of green, the boys of summer will be back. The crack of the bat, the smell of theContinue reading “On Baseball, the Harbinger of Spring”
On Signs of a False Spring
Today, it felt like spring. No, it wasn’t as warm as springtime often is. No, there were still mounds of snow in parking lots and a glaze of ice on the sidewalks. No, the sun was still far too low in the sky, and the clouds shifted awkwardly throughout the day. And yet! After weeksContinue reading “On Signs of a False Spring”
On Random Wednesday Thoughts
I love the way the air feels in spring. There’s a crispness. A tanginess. It’s like a sense of anticipation, that nature itself knows that something amazing is about to happen. I went for a walk on my lunch break today. The neighborhood around the office is, to be honest, not particularly exciting. There’s notContinue reading “On Random Wednesday Thoughts”
On Rainy Saturday Thoughts
There are fonts that I like. And there are fonts that I do not like. Among the fonts I do not like: Comic Sans Garamond Times New Roman I should say that I don’t just not like Garamond. I outright hate Garamond. The problem is that I spent years looking at resumes working as aContinue reading “On Rainy Saturday Thoughts”
On the Smells of Springtime
Springtime is a time of smells. This week, the landscapers have been hard at work around the office. Step out of the building, and the odor of mulch wafts over you. It’s overpowering. Everyone seems to hate it. Except me. I’m actually quite taken with the smell of mulch. I can’t tell you why. MaybeContinue reading “On the Smells of Springtime”
On Signs of Spring
Today’s a little dreary in Baltimore. It’s overcast. It’s a little chilly. The air feels like snow. I want spring. I want it now. Fortunately for me, the first signs of spring have arrived. Spring training games began yesterday. And in the game that mattered to me, the Cubs :cubs: triumphed over the Dodgers atContinue reading “On Signs of Spring”
On Signs of Spring
Sunday afternoon my sister phoned me up. “What are you doing?” she wanted to know. “I’m listening to a baseball game on the radio. Spring training. The Nationals and the Orioles.” “There’s baseball already?” Yup, there’s baseball already. To my chagrin, there’s little coverage of spring training in the local newspapers. The free daily, theContinue reading “On Signs of Spring”