Yesterday, I lost my wristwatch. There’s nothing profound to the story. It’s a case of simple human mistake-making. This happens. At some point, maybe five years ago, I stopped wearing a watch on a regular basis. Actually, it was more recent than that, come to think of it. After I moved to Baltimore. I hadContinue reading “On the Loss of a Watch”
Tag Archives: Tengwar
On Baseball, the Harbinger of Spring
I look out from my office window at the glacier that still lays across Maryland, and a thought brightens my seasonally-affected spirits. The knowledge that pitchers and catchers have reported in Florida and Arizona. Soon, on fields of green, the boys of summer will be back. The crack of the bat, the smell of theContinue reading “On Baseball, the Harbinger of Spring”
On the End of the Baseball Season
Anyone can have a bad century. :cubs: Spring training isn’t so far away. There’s always next year. 🙂
On Tengwar Fun
How would one write “Yankees Suck” in Tengwar, the Elvish alphabet from Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings? It’s a good question, and I’ve had an interesting discussion with Star Trek author Geoff Trowbridge on that very point. My take on “Yankees Suck” — So, Red Sox fans out there. If you want to slamContinue reading “On Tengwar Fun”
On a Return Address
No, I am not an Arab terrorist. No, envelopes are not addressed in Arabic. It’s really English, but written in Elvish Tengwar. (Maybe it’s a good thing I couldn’t buy the Arabic stamps like I wanted to. Apparently there’s not a large enough Muslim population here.) Though I am expecting to have postal inspectors showContinue reading “On a Return Address”