Irony, thy name is China. China, who is hosting the Summer Olympics. China, who is engaged in a brutal repression of Tibet. China, who doesn’t want Tibet to mar their perfect Olympics. China, whose factories are making “Free Tibet” flags. Were making, rather. Chinese authorities put an end to the factory’s orders for Free TibetContinue reading “On Tibetan Flags”
Tag Archives: Tibet
On the Two-Week Round-Up
I think a biweekly recap makes more sense than a weekly recap. At least, until I change my mind again. 😆 Let’s step back two weeks, to the day before St. Patrick’s Day. There, I mused on The Return of the King, which I watched the night previous. Specifically, I talked about the original endingContinue reading “On the Two-Week Round-Up”
On the Tibetan Protests
In a TrekBBS thread on Arthur C. Clarke, I wrote the following: Someday. I loved the film [of 2010], even if it cut out my favorite sequence in the book — the Tsien on Europa. That’s something I loved about Clarke’s work. His near-future science fiction had a cosmopolitan feel to it. That the UnitedContinue reading “On the Tibetan Protests”