What is the fucking deal with zombies? I swear, sometimes it feels like the world has gone zombie-crazy. Everybody’s talking zombies. Zombies this, zombies that. Zombies, zombies, zombies. I don’t get it. Why, just today, I pounded my desk at work, lest I shout at the top of my lungs, “Stop with the fucking zombies,Continue reading “On an Excess of Zombies”
Tag Archives: weird
On Shakespearean Dreams
My dream began in a school auditorium. Seats were the hard wooden pull-down type. Nothing special. The auditorium was packed. My former boss was there. So, too, was Arrested Development star Jason Bateman. The speaker took the stage. The audience stood. We began to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. “I pledge allegiance to the flag…”Continue reading “On Shakespearean Dreams”
On the Backyard Bricks
From upstairs I heard yelling. My grandmother was yelling about something. She’d been quiet all day long — she hadn’t shown any interest in watching whatever race was on FOX, instead she wanted to spend the day going through her box of cancelled checks from twenty years ago. (Among those checks, by the way, isContinue reading “On the Backyard Bricks”
On the Blame Game
I see on several friends’ blogs and LJs a new game. The meme: Type “[[your name]] looks like” into Google (with the quotes), and post as many results as you like. Well, I want to play a different game. The Blame Game. Same rules. But instead, we’ll punch the phrase “blame [[Name]]” into Google (andContinue reading “On the Blame Game”
On Seafaring LEGO Men
The ocean gives up its secrets. In the Dutch village of Zandvoort, the secret was… An eight-foot tall LEGO man. The eight foot tall smiling Lego man with a yellow head and blue torso was seen bobbing in the sea in the Dutch resort of Zandvoort yesterday. LEGO men, lost at sea. Surely, this blueContinue reading “On Seafaring LEGO Men”
On Sousaphone Hero
We’ve all heard of Guitar Hero. At least, if we’re into video games, we’ve heard of Guitar Hero. It’s a game, comes with a guitar-shaped controller, and depending on how well you work your axe determines your score. I don’t recommend anyone pull a Pete Townsend with a Guitar Hero controller. I’m just saying. Well,Continue reading “On Sousaphone Hero”
On Really Stupid People
I think it goes without saying—calling in a bomb threat to bring a plane back to the gate because you missed your flight is a very stupid idea. It’s a federal crime. It’s going to scare people. It’s going to inconvenience people. It will land you in jail. So, of course, on Wednesday a manContinue reading “On Really Stupid People”
On Green Blood
It turns out that you don’t have to be a Vulcan like Spock or Tuvok to have green blood. No, you merely need to have migraines. A team of Canadian surgeons discovered during an operation that their patient had dark green blood. Why? Because of the migraine medication he was on, sumatriptan. The result? ThisContinue reading “On Green Blood”
On a Baby with Three Arms
Today’s News of the Weird–a baby born in China has three arms, one on the right, two on the left. Doctors in Shanghai on Tuesday were considering surgery options for a 2-month-old boy born with an unusually well-formed third arm. Neither of the boy’s two left arms is fully functional and tests have so farContinue reading “On a Baby with Three Arms”
On Random Road Musings
When did gas prices climb back over 2.50 a gallon? Seems like two or three weeks ago when they were flirting with going under 2.00. And seen on the road today, a decal on the back of a car–Naff Auto Sales. An unfortunate name, that–Naff.