At work today it was decided — I had coined a new word. A good word. A perfect word. Clusterfuckery. I don’t claim the word. I see, from a quick Google search, that “clusterfuckery” has been in circulation for a few years now. It’s not my neologism. 🙂 Yet, I’m still going to use it.Continue reading “On Word-Coinage”
Tag Archives: Word
On Spreadsheet Fun
At work yesterday I started working on a large-ish spreadsheet project. It’s for an annual catalog. In one department, there’s four thousand lines of items to be arranged. Headers inserted. Item names cleaned up. Four thousand lines. It’s not tedious. Maybe a little mind-numbing at times. It’s mostly in order. That’s the worst kind ofContinue reading “On Spreadsheet Fun”
On Quantities of Words
I use a lot of words. At least, that’s what I’m told. See, I’m not conscious of the number of words I use. Or rather, the number of words I write. Because they’re just words. Which is probably why I’m not a poet. I lack the… precision of a poet. And anyway. Poetry doesn’t interestContinue reading “On Quantities of Words”
On the PSP
Trying out a preplayed system at work.