WordPress Drama and Coding Frustrations

There is Capital-D Drama in the WordPress world. It would take too long to explain all the nuances. Basically, founder Matt Mullenweg is Big Mad that he tried to shake down a rival and failed, and his resulting temper tantrum is damaging the WordPress ecosystem to the point where the best thing might be forContinue reading “WordPress Drama and Coding Frustrations”

Fade In… Gutenberg Blocks and Styles

Fade In Int. Allyn’s Bedroom. Night Allyn is laying in bed, his head resting on a stack of pillows, hands not just behind his head but beneath one of the pillows as well. The lights are out, though his bedroom is partially illuminated by a street lamp somewhere beyond the window. His eyes are closed.Continue reading “Fade In… Gutenberg Blocks and Styles”

2018: The Year in Review

Most every year I do this — go back through my blog archives and post a link to the first post I made each month. The results are random, to say the least; there’s no consistency. But about six of these are worthwhile. Which six? That’s for you to find out. 🙂 January: Winter Misanthropy:Continue reading “2018: The Year in Review”

The World Famous Time Traveler

Going through some files recently, I came across something that I wrote, showed a few people for feedback, and then filed away. Several years back, BOOM! Studios, a comic book publisher, began publishing original Peanuts comic book stories. While Charles Schulz’s comic strip has been left alone (except for coloring the dailies), there have beenContinue reading “The World Famous Time Traveler”

Projects In Progress

Lately, I’ve been working on a couple of projects. In the fall, I colorized a photograph of Swampoodle Grounds, Washington, DC’s baseball park of the 1880s. I liked working on that, and now I’m working on colorizing another old baseball photograph, this time of Babe Ruth and (future president) George H.W. Bush. The photograph wasContinue reading “Projects In Progress”

The Plan

This weekend I sat down and did something I never do — I wrote out New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve never been the resolution-y type. I’d occasionally make a list, and it would be a vague list — write more, exercise more. This time, I sat down and asked myself, “What am I trying to accomplish?Continue reading “The Plan”

The Semi-Colon Is Never Not Stylish

About a year ago I had to edit some copy a colleague had written for the catalog. It was a thoughtful, well-written piece, and it also happened to run over five hundred words, which was about two and a half times the number of words that would fit into the space we had on theContinue reading “The Semi-Colon Is Never Not Stylish”