It’s another scorcher of a day, and I’ve started it out with coffee… And reading about atheism! :spock: Posted just a few days ago, Greta Christina writes about 6 (unlikely) developments that could convince her to abandon her atheism and believe in god. She has a good list, but really only the first — anContinue reading “On Early Morning Atheist Philosophy”
Tag Archives: Carl-Sagan
On Carl Sagan’s “A Glorious Dawn”
“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” “The sky calls to us; if we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars.” For someone who watched Cosmos at a young age and had his life shaped by it, this video is reallyContinue reading “On Carl Sagan’s “A Glorious Dawn””
On Carl Sagan and Policy Debates
Eric Michael Johnson of The Primate Diaries posted a few days ago an article on Carl Sagan’s theory of Nuclear Winter and the political reaction to it in the early 1980s. Okay, okay, yes, I will admit that Sagan was not the only person involved in the Nuclear Winter theory, that being the idea thatContinue reading “On Carl Sagan and Policy Debates”
On Reflecting on the Wisdom of Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan died twelve years ago today. Last year, I participated in Joel Schlosberg‘s second Carl Sagan blog-a-thon. The idea was simple — bloggers the world over would write a few words about Sagan and his importance on their life and the world we inhabit. Last year, I wrote about my discovery of Sagan’s work,Continue reading “On Reflecting on the Wisdom of Carl Sagan”
On Carl Sagan Stamps
A little more than a year ago, author Kevin Lauderdale suggested that the United States needs to issue a commemorative Carl Sagan stamp. Sagan had done so much to educate the public on the wonders of science and the cosmos, and watching his television series COSMOS was very much a defining moment in my ownContinue reading “On Carl Sagan Stamps”
On Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan died eleven years ago today. The world’s been a quieter place without him. When I was young, I watched COSMOS with my father. I avidly read Sagan’s books, from Broca’s Brain to The Cosmic Connection — and let me tell you, The Cosmic Connection was a fucking bitch to find. I looked forwardContinue reading “On Carl Sagan”
On a Carl Sagan Stamp
Star Trek author Kevin Lauderdale has made a proposal: It’s time to commemorate Carl Sagan, author of COSMOS and Contact with a postage stamp. I’ll let Kevin explain: December 20th will mark the 10th anniversary of the death of Carl Sagan. This makes him an eligible subject for a U.S. postage stamp. If, like me,Continue reading “On a Carl Sagan Stamp”