Facebook reminded me this morning that five years ago today was my grandmother’s funeral, just as on Saturday morning it reminded me that she passed away a hemidecade ago. I knew this was coming; a few weeks ago Facebook showed me pictures from Shore Leave 2011 (including John de Lancie and an experiment in makingContinue reading “Five Years After My Grandmother’s Funeral…”
Tag Archives: grandmother
Looking Back Ten Years
Ten years ago today, an adventure (of sorts) began. My grandmother and I took a trip from Baltimore to Raleigh. I’ve never really spoken about that trip as I’ve found it an uncomfortable — and somewhat painful — subject. My grandmother, as some know, suffered from dementia in her final years. At the time ofContinue reading “Looking Back Ten Years”
On My Grandmother’s Car
My grandmother’s boat of a car is gone. It was a mid-90s Ford Crown Victoria. No, scratch that. I’ve just looked at pictures. It was a late-80s Crown Victoria, probably about 1986 or 1987. I don’t know the last time my grandmother drove it. She didn’t drive it after summer 2005. That’s when the transmissionContinue reading “On My Grandmother’s Car”
On My Grandmother’s Cat
My grandmother’s cat is gone. Yes, my grandmother had a cat. He had no name. She called him many things. He was usually just “Kitty” or “Buddy” or “Little Guy.” My grandmother hated him and she loved him. She could scream at him for no reason at all, and then be deathly worried about himContinue reading “On My Grandmother’s Cat”
On My Grandmother’s Death and Funeral
Last Saturday morning, July 23rd, my grandmother passed away. It was not a surprise. Her health, especially mentally but in recent months physically as well, had been in decline for years, and in the spring I knew her end would arrive soon. She was unaware of things at the end. She went in peace. TheContinue reading “On My Grandmother’s Death and Funeral”
On My Grandmother’s Decline
I’ve written very little on the subject of my grandmother recently. In truth, there’s been very little to say. Two weeks ago, I thought she wouldn’t last a month. It could be longer than that. She is nearing the end, though. The thing about my grandmother’s decline is the way her mental age seems toContinue reading “On My Grandmother’s Decline”
On Morning with my Grandmother
My grandmother doesn’t appear to have gotten any sleep last night. I locked the house up, shut off the tree, and went to bed. The television was still on, however; she usually sleeps through the night with it on, so it made sense not to mess with it. When the alarm went off, I heardContinue reading “On Morning with my Grandmother”
On the Day After
The snow began falling at 10 o’clock Friday night. Work, last week, being what it was, prompted a number of us at the office to go to the local Irish pub after work. At the time, the forecast was calling for about twelve inches of snow. At the pub, one of the graphic designers passedContinue reading “On the Day After”
On Fixing the Phone
Thursday night I stood in the kitchen, and I heard something. It sounded like music. It sounded like the kind of music the Nintendo or the Super Nintendo would have made back in the day. But where was it coming from? What could be making it? I turned my head this way and that, wanderedContinue reading “On Fixing the Phone”
On Christmas Shopping for my Grandmother
Today, I bought Christmas presents for my grandmother. Buying presents for my grandmother is difficult because it is pointless. Anything important is lost upon her, anything useful would go unused. Her birthday, which falls on Christmas Eve, is even more difficult; she understands that the day is someone‘s birthday, but she cannot recollect that itContinue reading “On Christmas Shopping for my Grandmother”