I have a Twitter account. I barely use it. I always forget about it. Yes, I have crossposters to move content from my blog to Twitter by Tweeting a link back to my latest post. Yes, I have a widget for Opera that lets me access Twitter easily with a nice windowed interface. I forgetContinue reading “On Twitterology and WordPressery”
Tag Archives: meta
On the Christmas Weekend
A hectic week at the office this shall be. I can already sense it, like a great disturbance in the Force. There’s nothing wrong with that; staying busy is a good thing. 🙂 It was a LEGO holiday. My sister and her husband gave me the LEGO Star Wars Visual Dictionary, which will prove invaluableContinue reading “On the Christmas Weekend”
On Finishing Up the Redesign
A couple of people have asked whatever became of my blog redesign, which I started working on about two weeks ago, give or take. Well, it’s done, actually. I didn’t felt any need to announce to the world, “I did new stuff with WordPress! Come take a look!” 😆 I know, that’s so unlike me.Continue reading “On Finishing Up the Redesign”
On Afternoon Coding
The snow continues to fall. I spent part of the day working on PHP and CSS code for the website. I have the first segment of the design coded and the graphics made. I’ve done a test to make sure the code works, and it does. It looks like I want it to look. I’mContinue reading “On Afternoon Coding”
On Design Decisions
The new issue of The Writer came in the mail a few days ago. It’s been sitting, sadly neglected, on a pile of magazines atop the dresser ever since, and this morning I put it in my briefcase to read on the train. As I read through the magazine, a long-dormant idea resurfaced. I keepContinue reading “On Design Decisions”
On October’s Web Stats
Before we start looking forward to November, let’s take a look back at October and what people wanted to know from allyngibson.net. 🙂 First up, I had 10,925 distinct visitors for the month. Which works out to roughly 360 a day, give or take. Wednesday is the least visited day of the week, versus SaturdayContinue reading “On October’s Web Stats”
On Formatting for the iPhone
Mobile devices, capable of browsing the Internet, are becoming more and more commonplace, and to make it easier for people on a mobile device, like an iPhone, I’ve had a mobile plugin for WordPress in my install, the WordPress Mobile Edition plugin, to reformat the blog into something mobile friendly. Earlier in the week, IContinue reading “On Formatting for the iPhone”
On Website Fun
I have no idea what someone visiting my website this afternoon might have seen. I needed to upgrade WordPress. When WordPress 2.8 dropped, I uploaded the files, and found my Dashboard (that’s the admin panels I see when I blog) completely trashed. WordPress 2.8, in its initial release, was a total freaking memory hog, andContinue reading “On Website Fun”
On the Questions People Ask
In the next day or two, I’ll put up a complete breakdown of August’s webstats for allyngibson.net, but in the interim, I thought I’d point out a couple of interesting things I’ve seen come through from Google in the past week or two of search phrases people are using. alan moore star trek. I don’tContinue reading “On the Questions People Ask”
On New Visitors and the Like
For reasons that pass beyond my understanding, I’ve recently seen a 250% increase in the traffic to my website. I’m looking at my own behavior, as regards the website, in the past two or three weeks. I changed the website theme. I’ve been posting less. Could these be reasons? One’s choice of website layout canContinue reading “On New Visitors and the Like”