Operating System Archaeology

About a month ago, digging into the drawers of my desk, I found a stack of old Linux install CDs. Mostly Linux Mint — versions 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, a couple of others I can’t remember off the top of my head — and an Ubuntu 8.04 CD. Ubuntu 8.04! The first Linux IContinue reading “Operating System Archaeology”

On Dreams of EB Games

I dreamt last night of EB Games. I was in my store, in Cary. I was alone in the store. Presumably, it was before I unlocked the door. Early morning, then. My store was… odd. The fixtures were big, bulky, wooden things. No other EB Games store looked like mine. The walls were brown. TheContinue reading “On Dreams of EB Games”

On Writing to Soundtracks

To an outside observer, my last.fm profile has gone wonky this week. I’m in soundtrack mode. Specifically, Lord of the Rings soundtrack mode. I discovered a few days ago that the soundtrack to The Hunt for Gollum, a fanfilm that dramatizes Aragorn’s search for Gollum during the early part of The Fellowship of the Ring,Continue reading “On Writing to Soundtracks”

On My 2010 Shore Leave Schedule

Shore Leave! It’s the media science-fiction convention held in Hunt Valley, Maryland every mid-July. This year, it falls on the calendar from July 9th through 11th. :spock: This year, barring any unforeseen happenings, I will again be attending the convention as a guest. My schedule for panels looks like: Friday Meet the ProsHunt/Valley Hallway —Continue reading “On My 2010 Shore Leave Schedule”

On Gandalf and the Vuvuzela

How many times have I watched this? I don’t know, because each time I do I start rolling on the floor laughing. What happens when the World Cup is held in Middle-Earth? That provocative question is answered in… The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Vuvuzela. Not coming to a theater near you.Continue reading “On Gandalf and the Vuvuzela”

On the 2009 Baltimore Comic-Con

While much of Baltimore had its attentions focused on the changing foliage or the Ravens/Bengals game, I went downtown to the Baltimore Comic-Con. Some people go to conventions to meet people, or to buy things, or to get autographs. In a very real way, those things, especially the last two, don’t hold much meaning forContinue reading “On the 2009 Baltimore Comic-Con”

On Rick Santorum’s Second Act

We can only be so lucky — Rick Santorum is thinking about running for President in 2012. Rick Santorum! I’m beside myself with glee. :party: My encounters with Santorum are few. For instance, Santorum compared the war in Iraq to Aragorn’s assult on the Black Gate of Mordor, which prompted me to point out whatContinue reading “On Rick Santorum’s Second Act”

On New LEGO Games

Let’s be upfront, here. I love LEGO. 🙂 I also love the LEGO video games. Though I haven’t played LEGO Batman, so I don’t know if that’s good or if it’s crap. That’s okay, though. It looks like Travelers Tales, the development studio behind such hits as LEGO Star Wars, is looking to develop moreContinue reading “On New LEGO Games”