Operating System Archaeology

About a month ago, digging into the drawers of my desk, I found a stack of old Linux install CDs. Mostly Linux Mint — versions 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, a couple of others I can’t remember off the top of my head — and an Ubuntu 8.04 CD. Ubuntu 8.04! The first Linux IContinue reading “Operating System Archaeology”

Dark Brandon Delivers

This morning I logged into Nelnet, my student loan servicer, and I was greeted by a wonderful surprise. My student loans from the University of Richmond, taken out twenty-five years ago, give or take, are gone. Paid off. Forgiven. I received an email about a month ago from the Department of Education. Hold on, letContinue reading “Dark Brandon Delivers”

Scenes of Spring

Spring is in full-bloom in Pennsylvania, and I’ve not been able to breathe through my nose in weeks. I have been, as I joking said to my sister, pollinated. Some recent scenes. I attended the Lancaster Barnstormers Fan Fest on Saturday. The Barnstormers put on an exhibition game against the Black Sox, a travelling team.Continue reading “Scenes of Spring”

Changing up the Desktop

Discovering NASA’s Flickr photo archive this week was nice, as it game me an opportunity to update a desktop wallpaper. Notice the use of a. Manjaro My Manjaro installation probably could have used a refresh. Now it looks like this. It’s KDE with the Sweet Ambar Blue theme, the Candy icon set, and the PlankContinue reading “Changing up the Desktop”