During January, WordPress is running a Bloganuary theme. The idea is that, to get people blogging again, WordPress will send out a prompt that people are to write a post about that day, and they’re supposed to use the prompt and the bloganuary tag. I signed up for this, but the first week of JanuaryContinue reading “January WordPress Codery”
Tag Archives: WordPress
Spider-Warp to 2007!
Your eyes are not deceiving you — the website has fallen through a time warp and landed in the year 2007! Over the summer, I went through my directories of archived WordPress stuff. I have hundreds of themes downloaded, the vast majority of which I never, ever used. Sometimes there was something unique about themContinue reading “Spider-Warp to 2007!”
Fade In… Gutenberg Blocks and Styles
Fade In Int. Allyn’s Bedroom. Night Allyn is laying in bed, his head resting on a stack of pillows, hands not just behind his head but beneath one of the pillows as well. The lights are out, though his bedroom is partially illuminated by a street lamp somewhere beyond the window. His eyes are closed.Continue reading “Fade In… Gutenberg Blocks and Styles”
The Way My Brain Works
About six weeks ago, a voice in the back of my head started talking to me. I want to redo the website. Why? I want to redo the website. Seriously. Why? Are you not happy with the website? I want something new. Why? I want something new. Then I’d find myself looking at WordPress themesContinue reading “The Way My Brain Works”
2018: The Year in Review
Most every year I do this — go back through my blog archives and post a link to the first post I made each month. The results are random, to say the least; there’s no consistency. But about six of these are worthwhile. Which six? That’s for you to find out. 🙂 January: Winter Misanthropy:Continue reading “2018: The Year in Review”
The New World of WordPress 5.0
On Thursday, the new version of WordPress — version 5.0 — dropped. I’ve been using WordPress since 2004 and version 1.2. 5.0 is the biggest change in years. I’ve been through the introduction of themes, sidebar widgets, post formats (an idea to compete with Tumblr that never amounted to anything). 5.0’s change is an entirelyContinue reading “The New World of WordPress 5.0”
Coding This and That
In mid-November, while clearing away some old papers on my desk, I found a sketch I’d made of a website design. I couldn’t tell you how old it was — two or three years, probably — but there wasn’t anything particularly surprising or new about it. It was the same, basic idea I’ve pursued, sometimesContinue reading “Coding This and That”
Getting Closer
Friday night, following a week of deadlines and deadlines and more deadlines, I spent some time working on my website’s code. Two weeks ago, I wrote that I’d been fighting with the blog theme’s slider; the parent theme, Shoreditch, had a featured content section, but it didn’t slide. Instead, it paged with some controls. TheContinue reading “Getting Closer”
Fighting With WordPress
A piece of WordPress coding that I thought would take about fifteen minutes ended up taking close to an hour and a half. I switched my blog theme recently from Twenty Seventeen (well, a child theme of it) to Shoreditch (again, a child theme of it, albeit one that I worked on in a flurryContinue reading “Fighting With WordPress”
Projects In Progress
Lately, I’ve been working on a couple of projects. In the fall, I colorized a photograph of Swampoodle Grounds, Washington, DC’s baseball park of the 1880s. I liked working on that, and now I’m working on colorizing another old baseball photograph, this time of Babe Ruth and (future president) George H.W. Bush. The photograph wasContinue reading “Projects In Progress”