A few days ago the beta for Linux Mint 22 was approved for release, and while it hasn’t been officially announced yet I downloaded it off one of the mirrors to take a look at over the weekend. But not the usual Cinnamon edition, or the XFCE edition (which I use on my Chromebook). IContinue reading “Trapped in a Past We Never Made”
Tag Archives: Ubuntu
Operating System Archaeology
About a month ago, digging into the drawers of my desk, I found a stack of old Linux install CDs. Mostly Linux Mint — versions 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, a couple of others I can’t remember off the top of my head — and an Ubuntu 8.04 CD. Ubuntu 8.04! The first Linux IContinue reading “Operating System Archaeology”
Fun with Desktop Wallpapers
The baseball season is coming to an end. The 2023 major and minor league schedules were released last week. I have two more games on my Senators ticket plan. Playoff tickets for the Barnstormers go on sale on Tuesday. April seems both like so long ago and just the week before last. Yesterday morning, theContinue reading “Fun with Desktop Wallpapers”
On Saturday Randomness
At long last, it’s snowing. I looks nice, from out the office window. I’ve installed new fonts. I even got them to work on my Ubuntu install. Yes, I installed Ubuntu a few weeks ago, on a slave hard drive I wasn’t doing anything with. I’m not doing anything with Ubuntu, except to play Sudoku.Continue reading “On Saturday Randomness”