Let’s be upfront, here.
I love LEGO. 🙂
I also love the LEGO video games. Though I haven’t played LEGO Batman, so I don’t know if that’s good or if it’s crap.
That’s okay, though.
It looks like Travelers Tales, the development studio behind such hits as LEGO Star Wars, is looking to develop more LEGO video games.
Like LEGO Harry Potter. And LEGO Indiana Jones II.
Oh, and they’ve put together a tech demo for LEGO Hobbit.
LEGO Hobbit!
I’m crying here, I’m so happy.
I don’t know if it will happen, LEGO Hobbit. I want it to happen, obviously.
Lord of the Rings video game rights have reverted to Warners; Lord of the Rings: Conquest was the last gasp for EA, which is sad.
I thought EA did a good job with The Two Towers and Return of the King. The Third Age, as much as I’ve ragged on it, I’ve played through a few times. Battle for Middle Earth is a decent RTS. I wish The White Council could have happened.
What does this have to do with LEGO Hobbit, though? If Travelers Tales is working with Warners on LEGO Harry Potter, maybe that will establish the working relationship to give us LEGO Hobbit — and perhaps even LEGO versions of the three Lord of the Rings films.
Oh, that would be geek nirvana!
This LEGO fan is happy today. 🙂