On the New James Bond

Daniel Craig. :bond: Months of speculation as to the future of the James Bond franchise comes to an end with today’s announcement of Layer Cake star Daniel Craig as the newest actor licenced to kill. It’s an interesting choice. Craig has a cold, cruel look about him that would serve him well as Bond. HeContinue reading “On the New James Bond”

On the Literary Perfect Dark

When Microsoft’s XBox 360 launches this fall, the expectation is that the system’s must-have game will be Perfect Dark Zero, the prequel to the best-selling first-person shooter Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64. But wait! some fanboys are saying. Isn’t there already a prequel to Perfect Dark? Wasn’t it called GoldenEye, since Perfect Dark wasContinue reading “On the Literary Perfect Dark”

On The Living Daylights

Don’t ask me why, but I decided to watch a James Bond film today. Maybe it was a thread on TrekBBS where I defended George Lazenby’s work on On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Maybe it was another thread on TrekBBS about voting for Worst Bond Video Game. Maybe. I like the character–I’ve read the Flemings,Continue reading “On The Living Daylights”