On the View From the Sixth Floor

My cubicle is on the building’s sixth floor. The building is glass. Blue glass. Windows run from floor to ceiling. At a guess, I’m sixty-five, maybe seventy feet off the ground. Could be a little higher; the ground floor isn’t quite level with the ground. Birds fly by. Clouds look amazing from up here. IContinue reading “On the View From the Sixth Floor”

On Ridiculous Measures

I received recently an e-mail, purporting to contain a list of spurious weights and measures. Bizarre scales. Never, ever, possibly used scales. Nothing like furlongs per fortnight or anything like that. But the “sheppey,” defined as “the closest distance at which sheep remain picturesque,” or roughly 7/8 of a mile. (Note to self: Use theContinue reading “On Ridiculous Measures”