I thought LOL thulhu was pretty mind-blowing. Then I was pointed in the direction of the Hello Cthulhu webcomic.
These both make my idle thought a few years ago that Hermione Granger needed to find a copy of the Necronomicon in the Hogwarts library and start a Cthulhu cult seem positively normal. 😆
Sometimes concepts are tossed in a blender and the puree button is hit. It’s like taking the Chinese novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and tossing Gundam into the mix. It’s a strange idea, and I’m told — from people who know Gundam — that it works. I don’t know Gundam; it was always a bit confusing to me at EB Games who and what all these Gundam video games were, because even though they were labelled Gundam, that didn’t make them anything remotely the same.
I’m rambling.
At the very least, there’s a whole line of toys based on the idea of Gundam-Meets-the-Three-Kingdoms. And a video game, too, if I’m not mistaken. The toys look cute, come to think of it. Though we don’t really think of mechs as being, y’know, cute.
I love strange concepts. 🙂
How did eggplant get its name? Eggs aren’t a deep purple. I’ve occasionally wondered.
I put a CSS3 rule in the stylesheet for my blog yesterday.
It’s just one little thing. The only browsers that will pick it up are the betas for Opera and Safari. The Firefox 3 beta doesn’t. It puts a text-shadow on my name in the blog’s header.
And if you have a browser that doesn’t know CSS3, the rule won’t cause your browser to go on the blink. The browser just ignores it, and everything looks exactly as it did before.
I’m not really sure about the text shadow effect. It looks nifty and cool to me, but I can see this being rampantly abused. Small doses, like a header are fine. But I could see someone using the effect to highlight links, or even whole blocks of text, and it would make the text impossible to read.
I’ve been using Flock this week to write my morning blog posts. The functionality to write directly to a blog or LiveJournal is built right into the browser, so I thought I would experiment with it.
And it basically functions. It has some quirks, I’ll admit. Line breaks aren’t handled well, and going back into the WordPress back-end to add tags defeats the whole purpose of blogging with Flock — which is to eliminate the need to use the WordPress back-end.
In short, as of right now, it’s not going to cause a sea-change in how I write this blog. It’s an interesting gimmick, but the limitations are a bit of deal-breaker.
Today is foggy, and I find myself, as it sit here looking out the office window at a world dulled by fog, thinking of Larry Niven’s “For a Foggy Night.” Fog isn’t water droplets suspended in the air. Rather, fog is what happens when alternate timelines merge, a gateway between them. We instinctively know there’s something weird and strange and potentially creepy out there, in the fog — a world we’ve never seen before, and can never imagine. I loved that concept. 🙂
I need more coffee.
Blogged with Flock
Actually, the current release version of Safari picks it up too. 🙂
You don’t think it looks weird and/or garish, do you?
I can so see text-shadow being abused when CSS3-capable browsers become far more common.
Watch. It will be yet another thing for MySpace users to abuse. 😆
No, I don’t think so at all. Actually, I think the site as a whole looks better in Safari than in FF3. It’s probably just the font smoothing, but smaller Verdana is not a pretty sight without it.
I understand the principle behind using sans-serif fonts for websites. I don’t like sans-serif fonts, which is why the print.css file renders the page with a serif font if you print.
(I’m a firm believer in print.css, by the way. Sidebars and graphics shit don’t need to be printed. Just give me the content.)
I frankly don’t like any of the web standard sans-serif fonts. Verdana and Arial just don’t… speak to me.
As for the font size, it’s actually bumped up from what the standard Hemingway stylesheet calls for. That stylesheet calls for a microtype, and even though I have near-perfect vision, even I couldn’t stand looking at it for very long.
And for some reason, the Firefox 3 Beta, at least for me, renders the fonts a lot smaller than any other browser. Other Gecko-based browsers are fine, but FF3b3 makes the website unreadable. I don’t know if it’s a quirk in the Gecko 1.9 engine or if there’s some setting that I’ve munged up in FF3.
I dunno. I may play around with the fonts this weekend.