A meme, because I can’t think of anything else to write. 😉
(Actually, that’s not true. I wrote a blog post on the subway this morning. I just haven’t typed it up yet.)
3 July 2008 — That would be this.
3 July 2007 — On Doctor Who Podcasts, wherein I discuss my discovery of Radio Free Skaro, a podcast I enjoy listening to. Also, On Whovian Cast Changes, wherein I ruminate on Catherine Tate’s announced casting for the fourth season of Doctor Who.
3 July 2006 — On an Asteroid Near Miss, wherein an asteroid passed by Earth slightly closer than the Moon’s distance. Also, On My Bad Day, wherein I mention panic attacks due to working at EB Games and my grandmother.
3 July 2005 — On a Plot Outline, wherein I mention how happy I was with a plot outline I was working on. For the record, it was for a 23rd-century Starfleet Corps of Engineers story I called “Towing Spacedock,” but when the outline reached forty-five pages I realized that it just wasn’t going to work. Especially because it wasn’t done. It was my love letter to the Mike W. Barr Star Trek comics, basically. Nancy Bryce, Liz Sherwood, Grand Admiral Steven Turner — they all played major roles. I pull it out from time to time, but I haven’t added any serious word count to it in about two years.
3 July 2004 — Nothing fell on July 3rd, but if you logged in on July 3rd, you’d have found That Thing You Do!, wherein I mention my love for this film.
3 July 2003 — Nothing fell on July 3rd that year, but if you logged into my website on July 3rd, you’d have found Adventures in Potterdom, wherein I mention buying Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in Raleigh.
3 July 2002 — Who Should Be Who?”, wherein I discuss the then-current rumors that Anthony Stewart Head would be cast as the ninth Doctor, and I mention some of my favorite choices for the role — Stephen Fry, Malcolm McDowell, and Tim Curry.
You’d think that, after six years, I’d have gotten a handle on this “blogging” thing, but nope. Still writing the same random stuff. Stuff that probably has no mainstream appeal.
But wait. Isn’t that what everyone does when they blog? 😆