Supposedly, the next two episodes of Doctor Who will reveal a shattering secret about Captain Jack Harkness. I put my thinking cap on. Because the theories I’ve heard… well, they’re generally stupid. So, let’s go behind a spoiler cut, shall we? So I can rant about theories in peace, yes?
Tag Archives: Jack Harkness
On a Doctor Who Blurb
Or rather… the Doctor Who blurb. The BBC posted information on the season finale of Doctor Who recently, and fandom’s holding its collective breath. I read the blurb. My first thought, “Wow. That sounds cool!” My second thought? “Wait a second. That sounds like…” Let’s go behind a spoiler/speculation cut.
On Captain Jack Harkness
When last we saw Jack Harkness he’d just gone Gandalf on a Balrog and died, only to return to life after seven days. Then, wandering through the Torchwood Hub, a peculiar wheezing, grinding sound was heard, a wind rushed through the Hub, and Jack Harkness was gone. Tonight, Captain Jack Harkness returns. And there areContinue reading “On Captain Jack Harkness”
On the "Utopia" Preview
Just recently on the UK talkshow Jonathan Ross a clip was shown of the upcoming Doctor Who episode “Utopia.” At a guess, I’d say this is probably the pre-credits teaser. I won’t post a link to it, if you’ve not seen it, but I found it on YouTube–that’s all I’ll say about that. 😉 SpoilersContinue reading “On the "Utopia" Preview”
On Finishing Torchwood
Torchwood, season one. As I mentioned a few days ago I recently started watching Torchwood, the BBC’s adult-oriented Doctor Who spin-off about a team of alien tech investigators. I’ve finished the first season, and what do I think? Torchwood was very much a mixed bag. There were moments that were absolutely incredible. There were episodesContinue reading “On Finishing Torchwood”
On Experiencing Torchwood
Thanks to the kindness of beagles I’ve been watching this weekend the first season of Torchwood. For some readers Torchwood is an old hat. For other readers, unfamiliar with the program here’s a quick summary. Torchwood is a Doctor Who spin-off, following the adventures of Captain Jack Harkness (seen in the revived Doctor Who‘s firstContinue reading “On Experiencing Torchwood”