On Runic Writing

On occasion, I’ve deployed my skills in utilizing J.R.R. Tolkien’s Tengwar writing system. And while I have a large collection of different types of Tengwar fonts and know how to use them, the Runic fonts I’ve never used. I have them. I just don’t use them. But then, I am a self-described “font whore.” YouContinue reading “On Runic Writing”

On the President’s Shakespearean Tendencies

Will wonders never cease! While other American presidents have quoted from Shakespeare, it appears that George W. Bush is the only president to emulate Shakespeare. So argues Slate. My first reaction? It can’t be. He doesn’t have the cadences. He talks like a gibbering moron when he’s off script, when he’s not being actively petulant.Continue reading “On the President’s Shakespearean Tendencies”

On Mid-Week Reflections

Why must it be dreary? Rain today. Rain yesterday. Rain Sunday. Rain, rain, rain. And no thundrous drumming from Ringo Starr, either. Rain. Doctor Who‘s fourth season has begun. Thankfully, it began with something light and fluffy. After wrecking on the emotional shoals from Torchwood‘s “Exit Wounds,” the screwball comedy nature of Who‘s “Partners inContinue reading “On Mid-Week Reflections”

On Another Imaginary Beatles Album

Stephen Baxter created “God.” Maximum Bob created “Imaginary.” I created “Hot As Sun.” Imaginary Beatles albums. Had the band not broken up in 1969/1970, what would their next album after Abbey Road have been? Saturday, while looking for any sort of complete list of the solo #1 hits of the Beatles, I came across thisContinue reading “On Another Imaginary Beatles Album”

On the Taxman’s Bite

I can think of no more appropriate song for today than the Beatles’ “Taxman.” Last weekend I did my federal income taxes. No real surprises there. I had extra money withheld from each paycheck each pay period to account for tax liabilities on writing income. And I calculated it pretty close to right. Still gettingContinue reading “On the Taxman’s Bite”