On the Galley sling

This post will be hopelessly geeky. My apologies in advance. Digging through AOE3 Heaven‘s webpage today I discovered an intriguing strategy for Age of Empires III—the Galley sling. No, I have no idea what the term “Galley sling” means, because it uses neither galleys nor slings because I didn’t invent it. I did, however, tryContinue reading “On the Galley sling”

On Age of Empires III: First Impressions

Nerd Heaven! Age of Empires III came out a few days ago. I picked mine up today. I splurged, bought the Collector’s Edition which comes in a really heavy box with all the bells and whistles–a lovely art book, special cases for the games, special artwork, an extra player’s guide, the game soundtrack, and didContinue reading “On Age of Empires III: First Impressions”