On Test Driving New Features

For shits and giggles, I downloaded the WordPress 2.7 Release Candidate. I was curious, first, what it would look like “under the hood.” I knew they were putting together a new user interface, and I wondered what that looked like. I knew they were planning some new features, and I was curious about those, too.Continue reading “On Test Driving New Features”

On WordPress Bugs, Not Features

“It’s a feature, not a bug!” It’s a classic line. A Microsoft line. About how bugs in software aren’t really bugs, they’re undocumented features. WordPress 2.6 has a new feature called “Post Revisions.” Basically, every time you edit a post, you can “roll back” the post and undo changes, as users can with Wikipedia. ItContinue reading “On WordPress Bugs, Not Features”

On Resuming Normal Service

And now, after Retro Weekend, we resume normal blogging service. Who knows? Maybe in a couple of months, I’ll feel the need for another Retro Weekend, I’ll put some Creedance in the old stereo, and we’ll rock out again like it’s 1999. 😆 In the meantime, though, I need coffee. And a good descruffyfication. InContinue reading “On Resuming Normal Service”