On Returning to Coding the Website

This week I returned to a long-delayed project — my website redesign. Every intention I had of having it finished months ago went fell by the wayside. I lost interest in blogging in the spring. Posts became sporadic. I didn’t even mention when this blog passed its tenth anniversary. (It was five weeks ago, inContinue reading “On Returning to Coding the Website”

On Swapping Twitter’s Columns Around

Yesterday morning I logged into Twitter. This is what I saw: Yes, I’d been upgraded to “New New Twitter,” which began going live to users a month and a half ago. It’s fine, and it’s functional, but one thing irked me. I didn’t like the column layout. For as long as I’ve been using Twitter,Continue reading “On Swapping Twitter’s Columns Around”

On Making TrekBBS Readable

TrekBBS is a bulletin board where I’ve been wasting time visiting regularly for over a decade now. This morning I logged in to find that the bulletin board had redesigned with a new white-text-on-black-background design. And because my eyes are not as young as they used to be, I decided to whip together a localContinue reading “On Making TrekBBS Readable”

On Working Through the Blog Coding

No, blogging world, I have not forgotten about you. I’ve been very, very busy, though I did squeeze in a Doctor Who drabble based on The Silmarillion. (Yes, really. Don’t be shocked. It works.) Last weekend I was in New Jersey for Philcon. I took off Friday and Monday. When I got back to theContinue reading “On Working Through the Blog Coding”

On Writing More WordPress Code

Two months ago, I wrote how I was planning a blog redesign. It’s not something I’ve worked on with any great alacrity; I don’t need it for another eight months. Basically, a nearly decade-old blog has outgrown its host, and I need to move it to another host, but my current hosting plan isn’t upContinue reading “On Writing More WordPress Code”

On Blog Redesign Ponderings

Over the past week and a half I’ve been working on coding a new WordPress theme. I mentioned, within the past month, that I’ve felt an “itch to code.” I last changed my blog’s theme the first week of August, 2010; I haven’t typically run with a consistent “look” for that length of time. That’sContinue reading “On Blog Redesign Ponderings”

On the New Blog Design

After deciding to redesign my blog’s layout, I decided against it. I ran a Hot Wax Weekend instead over Memorial Day. The thing was, I’d already started coding the new website design I’d selected, taking the CoolBlue stylesheet from StyleShout. I had the “main” files done — header.php, index.php, sidebar.php, and footer.php. Yes, there areContinue reading “On the New Blog Design”