On Emma Thompson and House

Emma Thompson received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this week, flanked by Nanny McPhee costar Maggie Gyllenhaal and Cambridge classmate and House star Hugh Laurie. Seeing Thompson and Laurie together reminds me, besides Peter’s Friends (which I’ve not seen in far too long), of a House story I would love to see.Continue reading “On Emma Thompson and House”

On Across the Universe Musings

I stopped by Best Buy yesterday afternoon. I saw online that they had special swag for the DVD release of Across the Universe. Naturally, I was interested. 🙂 It’s a good week for Across the Universe. Monday was Across the Univere Day — NASA beamed the song, “Across the Universe” at Polaris. Tuesday, the DVDContinue reading “On Across the Universe Musings”

On House and The Beatles

Let’s rewind a few days. Back to Tuesday. House returned to FOX on Tuesday for its final three episodes of the fourth season with a Very Special Christmas Episode. Unlike previous Very Special Christmas Episodes, Dr. Gregory House didn’t OD himself into oblivion. He had case. He had his new team. He had new mindContinue reading “On House and The Beatles”

On James Spader’s Emmy Win

Last night James Spader won his third Emmy in four years for his work as ethically-challenged attorney Alan Shore from Boston Legal. Spader, I thought, didn’t have a particularly challenging year as Shore — he was sidelined through much of the first half of the season, ironically due to a storyline that would have beenContinue reading “On James Spader’s Emmy Win”

On Recent Search Phrases

Stat time once more! Here’s a random factoid. In the past two weeks, which is what the server report I pulled this morning covers, twice as many people accessed The World According to Allyn with Windows 3.1 machines as by Amiga machines. I’m just amazed there are people out there, doing the Internet-thing, with WindowsContinue reading “On Recent Search Phrases”