It’s tonight people.
Tonight, tonight, tonight.
No, I don’t have spoilers. No, I don’t know anything about it.
Except that it’s tonight.
Followed by the Boston Legal season finale.
And now we’ve had the finales for both.
House‘s season finale was weak, because it was so formulaic. House acts like an ass. House’s team disintegrates. Wilson and Cuddy implore House to pull it together. House’s patient’s condition worsens, new evidence emerges, and House makes a brilliant diagnosis that saves the day.
Great. What’s different this week? Foreman resigns. Chase is fired. Cameron leaves.
Let me say. Good riddance.
House‘s third season has been, to be charitable, hella weak. You heard me. Maybe the full-scale cast shake-up that this finale will produce–with House needing to replace all three of the Ducklings–can inject some new angles into House next season. New interpersonal dynamics, and perhaps even some use of the freakin’ premise–that House’s staff are there to learn–but they’re doctors, too, and they should be able to think for themselves.
So, the final House this season was a weak episode that capped a middling season. No joy in Mudville here.
Now, for Boston Legal.
Jerry and Clarence make a fantastic pair.
Denny was a monster in the courtroom.
Alan got snookered.
It was a decent episode, if a bit underwhelming. I wasn’t really engaged by it at any point, perhaps because it was so typical of Boston Legal. The one feature of interest was Alan and Denny’s case–two brothers accused of murdering their abusive father–as we got to see the two in court in a “normal” murder trial.
So, the second underwhelming season finale of the night. :/