On Wednesday Morning Meme-age

Yesterday morning, James Bow tagged me with a meme. What sort of meme? “Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about (my)self.” 1) My eyes change color. They can go from a pale green to a dark grey, with stops in-between at brown and blue. I’ve sometimes wondered if it’s diet. Or, in my stranger moments, I wonderContinue reading “On Wednesday Morning Meme-age”

On Random Factoids About Moi

I didn’t realize — today’s the anniversary of Boromir’s death and the Breaking of the Fellowship. If that’s not nerdy, I don’t know what is. 😉 Taken from multiple wonderful people around the innerwebs: 60 (or so) Things You Possibly Didn’t Know About Me 1. What is in the back seat of your car rightContinue reading “On Random Factoids About Moi”

On First-of-the-Month Hits

From the creative mind of Keith DeCandido, “Tell what the first post of every month of the 2007 calendar year was.” Okie-day! January: On Incompetant Blundering — An after-action report of an Age of Empires III game. February: On Invitations — I was invited to a blogger conference. March: On the New Mission — IContinue reading “On First-of-the-Month Hits”

On Happiness is a Warm Blanket Day

My friend Terri suggested this about two months ago, and I couldn’t fault her thinking. I’ll let her words speak for themselves: Sleeping cuddled up with a nice warm blanket and a big cuddly cat is fun, too, but we don’t set aside a day for it. Perhaps we should. I am hereby starting aContinue reading “On Happiness is a Warm Blanket Day”

On Thanksgiving Day Memeage

In lieu of content today, let’s play some meme games. First, what famous leader am I? What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com I never really thought of Einstein as a leader, per se… :/ And then! What classic movie am I? What Classic Movie Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com Never read the book.Continue reading “On Thanksgiving Day Memeage”