On Veteran's Day

In 1983 CBS aired a Peanuts special, What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown. In the film Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don’t Come Back) Charlie Brown, Linus, Pepperment Pattie, Marcie, and Snoopy went to France. What Have We Learned picks up shortly thereafter, with the kids visiting Flanders and the beaches of Normandy where theyContinue reading “On Veteran's Day”

On Failures

Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo makes an interesting analogy to President Bush’s Iraq policy and his insistence upon “stay[ing] the course”–Iraq is a business start-up, and President Bush knows business start-ups. Unfortunately, what Bush knows of business start-ups is how to fail at business start-ups, as Josh explains: Setting aside the vast costs inContinue reading “On Failures”

On Things That Need To Be Said

In all the insanity of the week–from a scandal that could bring down a government to an appalling crime in Pennsylvania–Garrison Keillor offered some words on what our country has become that went overlooked. I would quote only excerpts, but the whole thing need to be read. So, let’s look at then–“A Shameful Retreat fromContinue reading “On Things That Need To Be Said”

On the Terror Legislation

WASHINGTON – Congress sent President Bush a bill Friday that endorses his plan to interrogate and prosecute terror suspects, legislation Republicans hope will win them political points on the campaign trail. Many Democrats opposed the legislation because they said it eliminated rights of defendants considered fundanamental to American values, such as a person’s ability toContinue reading “On the Terror Legislation”

On Saint Cedd

Last night I started pondering “Shada,” the Doctor Who serial written by Douglas Adams during Tom Baker’s era that went unfinished (due to industrial strikes) and was later remade as an audio drama with Paul McGann. In the course of the story the Doctor and Romana go to visit Professor Chronotis, who keeps rooms atContinue reading “On Saint Cedd”

On Ending the Party

It surprises people who know my political leanings that I have a necktie that proudly celebrates the history of the Republican Party. The print is a collection of campaign buttons, stretching from the 1880s through “I Like Ike.” I wear the tie often, perhaps twice a month. I like to wear it. The surprise comesContinue reading “On Ending the Party”

More on the Bayeux Tapestry

I wrote, about six weeks ago, about the Bayeux Tapestry, specifically about a necktie I bought that reproduces some of the Tapestry’s images from the story of William the Conqueror’s conquest of England and his defeat of King Harold II in 1066. I picked up recently a history of the Tapestry and the Conquest, AndrewContinue reading “More on the Bayeux Tapestry”