Elbow’s new single, “Open Arms,” came out today, and as I did two months ago for “Neat Little Rows” I performed a little jiggery-pokery with Amazon UK and proxy servers to make the download happen. In a way, I really only needed the single for the B-side, “Buffalo Ghosts.” Last week, I acquired an “OpenContinue reading “On Elbow’s “Open Arms” Single”
Tag Archives: Audacity
On the Ultimate Time Waster
I learned to do something amazing and remarkable last weekend. I figured out how to use Audacity to create OOPS music tracks. OOPS? you say. What’s that? you ask. OOPS stands for “Out of Phase Stereo.” It’s a way of flipping one channel of a stereo music track, to create a new, third stereo musicContinue reading “On the Ultimate Time Waster”