Hello? Is this mic still on…? Ah, there it is. The squeal of feedback. I’ve been busy. And writing. But mostly busy. This happens to all of us from time to time, but it’s been especially bad of late. One thing I’ve been working on? I’m finally tackling a revision to the Merlin outline. Yes,Continue reading “On Working on My NaNoWriMo Outline”
Tag Archives: TDH
On Weekend Writing Plans
This weekend looks like a writing weekend. The main thing on the plate? My self-appraisal for work. The company skipped reviews last year, due to the uncertain economic climate, so this year’s reviews are more thorough than previous years, as this review covers two years of employment. But that’s not the only thing on myContinue reading “On Weekend Writing Plans”
On a Letter of Rejection
I received this weekend the nicest rejection letter from the UK. At Shore Leave, I told several people that I took a chance on submitting an outline to a UK publisher for an original novel based on Merlin, the BBC series currently showing on NBC here. Yes, it was unsolicited. Yes, I wasn’t sure whatContinue reading “On a Letter of Rejection”
On Being Barking Mad
Yesterday I had a “barking mad” story idea. It’s really not that mad. It’s not my insane desire to write a Doctor Who/Uncle Scrooge crossover, which I think would be absolutely fab. It’s more a case of “Why has no one ever thought to put this together with that?” As best I can tell, noContinue reading “On Being Barking Mad”