On LEGO Star Wars II

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy came out today. You pick your system, it’s available for it. Xbox. 360. PlayStation 2. GameCube. GameBoy Advance. Nintendo DS. Sony PSP. You want it, you can play it. True, multi-platform goodness. Star Wars and LEGOs, the two universals. I picked one up today for the XBox. It’sContinue reading “On LEGO Star Wars II”

On the Interview

The job interview was basically what I’d thought it would be — a long-ish interview with a high-class job placement/HR outsourcing firm. I wasn’t expecting a two-hour long test of my Word, Excel, and Powerpoint skills. (Powerpoint skills? What Powerpoint skills? Does anyone have Powerpoint skills? I mean, I can put together something that looksContinue reading “On the Interview”