On Friday I wrote about the end of Big Finish Productions’ Short Trips line of Doctor Who anthologies. The final volume in the series, Re:Collections, is coming out next month, and it will be a “best of” volume, featuring one story from each of the preceeding twenty-eight volumes.
I found on Big Finish’s website this morning the Table of Contents for the volume. This is going to be a monstrous book — 480 pages long.
And I’m very pleased to say that my story, “The Spindle of Necessity,” made the cut. 🙂
I’ve known for a few months that Keith, my editor on the book, nominated “Spindle” for Re:Collections, but until I saw something official — like a Table of Contents — I didn’t want to say anything.
I’ve only read about a third of the Short Trips volumes, so most of the stories planned for Re:Collections aren’t ringing bells for me. However, I can say that the story selected from Dalek Empire — James Swallow’s “Museum Piece” — is a really top-notch piece of work, and I strongly recommend it.
I’m really quite pleased about this. 🙂