Received in the mail today — Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips. As I wrote a few weeks ago, Re:Collections is the final volume in Big Finish’s series of Doctor Who short story anthologies, with a single story from each volume in the series reprinted in this volume. Among the stories in the book isContinue reading “On Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips”
Tag Archives: Big Finish
More on the End of Short Trips
On Friday I wrote about the end of Big Finish Productions’ Short Trips line of Doctor Who anthologies. The final volume in the series, Re:Collections, is coming out next month, and it will be a “best of” volume, featuring one story from each of the preceeding twenty-eight volumes. I found on Big Finish’s website thisContinue reading “More on the End of Short Trips”
On the End of Short Trips
Two and a half years ago, Keith DeCandido sent me an e-mail — “How would you like to write a Doctor Who story for me? I’m putting together a Short Trips anthology, and you’re on my list of writers.” No, that’s not the actual text of Keith’s e-mail, but it’s a pretty good flavor. ShortContinue reading “On the End of Short Trips”
On Doctor Who: Storm Warning II
It’s amazing. I must be the only person to think the Doctor talking to himself in the first episode of Storm Warning works. It’s absolutely obvious to me why he does this. Just as those scenes make it plain why the Doctor has companions with him almost all of the time. Quite simply, he likesContinue reading “On Doctor Who: Storm Warning II”
On Doctor Who: Storm Warning
I got Storm Warning today. What an experience! I’m not sure that it’s the best Big Finish audio yet (the second half is a little weak in comparison to the first two parts), but for reintroducing the world to Paul McGann as the Doctor, this really does fit the bill. I do have a fewContinue reading “On Doctor Who: Storm Warning”