Women Playing Baseball in the 1910s

Women playing baseball by the Washington Monument, October 1919

Recently while digging around on the Library of Congress website I found a series of photographs of young women playing baseball. The photos were undated; they had a range between 1909 and 1923, nothing more specific. The uniforms resembled those worn by Ida Schnall’s New York Female Giants in 1913, though without the stitched logo on the sleeve. so sometime in the 1910s seemed most likely.

I wasn’t sure where these photos were taken — I didn’t recognize the ballpark — but then I saw two photos with Walter Johnson, and that at least fixed a location — Griffith Stadium. An unrelated photo of girls playing baseball in front of the Washington Monument (the header photo above) was dated — October 10, 1919 — and they wore the same uniforms, so a 1919 date for these photos would make sense.

The National Mall website suggests that the photo at the Washington Monument shows “probably a match between women who worked for various government offices related to World War I. […] Teams were formed by women from the War Risk, Navy, and Internal Revenue Offices. In October 1919, these teams played a tournament just after the end of the World Series, extending the baseball season in Washington, DC.” (There’s more on the National Mall website about baseball on the Mall here.)

That being the case, it’s possible that the women received pointers from the professionals — the Washington Senators — before the tournament, hence the photos of them taking practice at Griffith Stadium with actual Senators players.

The photos aren’t in great shape. Some of them were very dirty; one of the Walter Johnson photos is basically unusable as a consequence. I’ve rotated them and cropped them and, in a couple of instances, altered the brightness and contrast. The captions are mine, and the links are back to the originals on the Library of Congress website.

I have no names for these women. They were in their twenties then, and they’re all long gone now. Did they ever tell their children stories of when they were baseball players? When they took the field with Walter Johnson? When they stepped into the batter’s box and stared down a pitcher with the game on the line? On a quiet day, in a sunlit room, when bones creaked and arthritis pains were almost too much to bear, did they remember being young and athletic with a city cheering them on an October afternoon?

Time may have forgotten them and this moment lost to memory, but a century later, their photographs at least live on.

Women baseball players

Team Photo

A woman steps in for batting practice

Taking Batting Practice

Washington Senators coach Nick Altrock poses with a woman baseball player near first base

Clowning Around at First Base with Nick Altrock

The catcher, a woman, throws to a base as a Senators play slides in at the plate

Catcher Makes the Throw

A Washington Senators player (Bucky Harris?) slides in at the plate as the catcher, a woman, applies the tag

Close play at the plate

The base runner is on the bag after a pick-off throw at first

Pick-off Play at First

A woman baseball player takes grounders at short while a Washington Senators player looks on

Fielding Drills at Short

Walter Johnson demonstrates his pitching grip to one of the women baseball players

Walter Johnson Demonstrating His Pitching Grip

A woman baseball player, in the gras

In the grass

Published by Allyn Gibson

A writer, editor, journalist, sometimes coder, occasional historian, and all-around scholar, Allyn Gibson is the writer for Diamond Comic Distributors' monthly PREVIEWS catalog, used by comic book shops and throughout the comics industry, and the editor for its monthly order forms. In his over fifteen years in the industry, Allyn has interviewed comics creators and pop culture celebrities, covered conventions, analyzed industry revenue trends, and written copy for comics, toys, and other pop culture merchandise. Allyn is also known for his short fiction (including the Star Trek story "Make-Believe,"the Doctor Who short story "The Spindle of Necessity," and the ReDeus story "The Ginger Kid"). Allyn has been blogging regularly with WordPress since 2004.

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