Received today, an e-mail from Amazon’s UK division:
Dear Customer,
We are sorry to report that the release of the following item has been cancelled:
Lance Parkin “Doctor Who: Gallifrey Chronicles (Doctor Who S.)”
This item has now been cancelled from your order and we can confirm that you have not been charged for it.
Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience caused.
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This item may be available from an Marketplace seller. The availability of the item will be indicated in a blue box that says “More Buying Choices” on the top right-hand side of the product’s information page. The links in this box lead to lists of new, used, refurbished and collectable copies of that particular item. To buy the item click the yellow “Buy from Seller” button and fill in the requested information to complete your purchase.
To view the current status and the costs associated with your order, please visit Your Account (
For your reference, here is a summary of your order:
1 of Lance Parkin “Doctor Who: Gallifrey Chronicles (Doctor Who S.)”
Item unavailable1 of Justin Richards “Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man (Doctor Who S.)”
Usually dispatched in 4-6 weeks (but may not be available at all)On the date of dispatch, you should receive an e-mail message confirming the date, contents and method of shipment.
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Thank you for shopping at, we hope to see you again.
Customer Service Department
Disappointment, the e-mail asks. Disappointment?
Damn skippy I’m disappointed. Because the book has started showing up in bookstores across the UK in advance of its official release date of June 6th. The book exists. My whole reason for ordering from the UK was because I wanted it early, earlier than we’d get it on this side of the pond.
My hunch is Amazon has Parkin’s Gallifrey Chronicles confused with John Peel’s Gallifrey Chronicles. The latter book, out of print for about ten years, is showing as shipping within one or two days. Which doesn’t make any sense.
And in cancelling the order, I now can’t cancel The Clockwork Man. My whole reason for ordering that along with Gallifrey was to spread the shipping costs across the Atlantic out somewhat. But no, by cancelling Gallifrey Amazon is now prepping Clockwork for shipment, so I’m paying three times the book’s cost in shipping.
Complete bastards.
Such are the pains and perils of being a Doctor Who fan. 😕
That reminds me—need to decide whether to pay through the nose for the Ninth Doctor stuff or wait a month or two for it to show up here…. 😕
But, yes. Sucks that they pulled that. At least is nicer about it; they still give you free shipping even if items are cancelled. Alas, no free international shipping. (My question is, why the heck not? Mailing a book to Austria was cheaper that it would’ve been to send it across town via UPS….)