I felt as though I were spinning my wheels at work today.
Friday’s I work a late shift, not coming in until 1. Not thirty seconds after I stepped through the door I received a phone call–today’s conference call is at 3, and call the other stores in the district to pass along the message.
So, thirty minutes spent calling the other seventeen stores in the district.
The phone rings again. Oops, we’re moving the conference call to 4. Could I spread that message?
I call two or three stores, then two kids come in with a problem–they bought a CD repair kit, and it didn’t work. They show me the discs they had tried to repair, and I frowned–the discs were destroyed. Not even Montgomery Scott, miracle worker, could do anything for these two discs. But I’m the quixotic sort, so I spend fifteen minutes grinding away on their games. And bugger it all, I got one to work.
Then my two o’clock interview showed up.
So, I interviewed a very nice young woman. Somehow we got to talking about Stargate SG-1, a television series I’ve never seen but she had strong opinions about. She doesn’t like them–SG-1 or Atlantis–not enough like the movie, she said. It’s been said my interviews may be like a pleasant after-dinner conversation but they’re insightful. I don’t know about that. I certainly enjoyed the interview. I’ll follow-up with her later, I think.
Interview done, I had fifteen more stores to call about moving the conference call.
Then, called in a change order, sent assistant manager to lunch, then the conference call.
I thought the conference call was fine, if long-winded. A colleague called me up afterward and said he wanted to slash his wrists to make the pain go away.
Suddenly, we’re looking at five o’clock. And I felt as thought I’d gotten nothing important done. Spinning wheels.
Just another day.