Every few months, I’ll discover a new and interesting band on Vic Galloway’s Scotland Introducing podcast for the BBC. While the main point of interest this week for me was two live tracks by The Seventeenth Century from Ally McCrae’s BBC Introducing in Scotland show, the podcast kicked off with a track from Aerials Up, “All Your Mother’s Daughters.”
“All Your Mother’s Daughters” had a catchy sound; on Twitter I called it “ top-notch musical awesomeness.” Sonically, the song reminded me somewhat of Arcade Fire’s first album. The band’s website had a few more tracks to sample, as did their SoundCloud page, and they have a free single to download.
Checking my RSS feed reader, I can see that I’ve heard their music before on the Scotland Introducing podcast; I’ll have to check my archives of the show for the May 21st and June 25th podcasts, though those tracks may be ones the band has streaming on the website.
As I mentioned, there’s a certain similarity to Arcade Fire in the sound of Aerials Up; there’s a similar instrumentation, a similar mixture of male and female voices. But I also hear a certain Barenaked Ladies influence on tracks like the “Stay Awake” single or the “I AM” demo, the sardonic quality that BNL brings to their work that can’t help but bring a smile to the face.
I’m really quite impressed by what I’ve heard. They’re really quite talented, and they sound like they “mesh” well together. Hopefully, Aerials Up will have a long career and they’ll put out an album or three or five. 🙂
I was totally blown away by Aerials Up on Vic’s show.