The kidney doesn’t ache today. I actually find this worrisome. Has the kidney stone moved? Lose one pain, gain another. My right hand hurts like hell. I worked the yard Sunday trying to clear off leaves from last fall, and a massive blister formed on the palm between thumb and index finger, only to drain,Continue reading “More on pains”
Tag Archives: WordPress
On Shire Reckoning… Again
The strange little box in the sidebar is now fixed. I’ve written my first WordPress plug-in. As you can tell, it generates a date in Shire Reckoning.
On Nothing
Nothing to say today, not really. Some may have noticed a strange, new box in the sidebar. A little project of mine. As of right now it’s broken, but not to fear–I’ve found the error.
On Random Meanings
WordPress comes pre-installed with a plug-in to insert a random line from Louis Armstrong’s song “Hello, Dolly” into the header of the admin screens I see when working on the website. I never activated the plug-in until today because I never saw the point–the song has no intrinsic meaning to me, and why clutter upContinue reading “On Random Meanings”
Daily Recap
I overslept this morning. Looking at the clock, I’ve only been awake for twelve hours. I went to an inventory at a store in Raleigh last night. I arrived about half past six, scanning began about an hour later, and at four-thirty in the morning we were done and ready to go home. A lotContinue reading “Daily Recap”
Testing Mood Icons
I’ve seen these on other webpages. I want to see if they work here.
Upgrading – Please Stand By
Moving up in the world is important. Change is good, but never easy. For the past two years, we’ve run on GreyMatter, one of the first blogging tools. As much as I’ve liked the product, as solid as I thought it was, it’s also a product that is no longer supported, with no future developmentContinue reading “Upgrading – Please Stand By”
First tests
This inaugural post says nothing in particular. Instead, it’s a test to see how the system functions, what cosmetic and structural changes need to be made, etc. ETA (6 October 2007): This, believe it or not, is the first “official” post on this blog. The posts prior to this? At one time I thought itContinue reading “First tests”