On Sony’s Upcoming Foundation Movie

Well, it’s happened. Sony has decided to make a Foundation movie. Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series has been a part of my life for a quarter century; I read the original trilogy when I was a freshman in high school, then Foundation’s Edge and Foundation and Earth the next year. Shortly thereafter, the Robots novels followed.Continue reading “On Sony’s Upcoming Foundation Movie”

On Writing More WordPress Code

Two months ago, I wrote how I was planning a blog redesign. It’s not something I’ve worked on with any great alacrity; I don’t need it for another eight months. Basically, a nearly decade-old blog has outgrown its host, and I need to move it to another host, but my current hosting plan isn’t upContinue reading “On Writing More WordPress Code”

On Eric Cantor’s Struggles with English

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia gave a speech today to the Values Voter summit. Most have focused on how Cantor refers to the Occupy Wall Street protests as “growing mobs.” I would point to how Cantor badly mangles the English language. Here’s the relevant clip: Here’s the transcription: “If you read the newspapersContinue reading “On Eric Cantor’s Struggles with English”