It is no secret that one of my all-time favorite television series is Blackadder. I go back and forth. Sometimes Blackadder II (that being the Elizabethean Blackadder) is tops. But usually, it’s Blackadder the Third (that being the Regency Blackadder). And my top three episodes — though all six are simply sublime — would be:Continue reading “On Blackadder Vocabulary”
Tag Archives: language
On Idiots Lose on the ‘Net
Our tale begins with Google, as many such tales do. It began with someone, perhaps much like yourself, in search of information about strange and unique subjects. Was it curiosity that motivated the intrepid searcher? Was it the need to complete an assignment for school? We cannot question the motives; we lack the capacity toContinue reading “On Idiots Lose on the ‘Net”
On Linguistic Obliviousness
Truly, I am a maroon. I’ve seen and heard the phrase “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.” I knew it was military lingo. I figured it was its own in-group speak, much like “w00t” online or corpse humping in Halo. It didn’t occur to me until yesterday what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot stood for. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Truly, IContinue reading “On Linguistic Obliviousness”
On Dead Languages
Ah, Saturday morning. Laundry! It being Saturday, and because I don’t want to think, let’s do another meme! Let’s recap some recent memes. I’m Arthurian literature, I’m an INFP (here too), and I’m Ireland. I’m also “All You Need Is Love,” but doesn’t that go without saying? And now, if I were a dead language,Continue reading “On Dead Languages”
On Being an English Nerd
I saw this test on several friends’ webpages. Am I an English nerd, or what? 😉 True English Nerd You scored 91 erudition! Not only do you know your subjects from your objects and your definite from your indefinite articles, but you’ve got quite a handle on the literature and the history of the languageContinue reading “On Being an English Nerd”
On Swear Words
Since I’ve seen this on a half-dozen friends’ webpages I gave this a go. My initial thought was not to post the results, but they shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s known me for any amount of time. So, if I were a swear word, which swear word would I be? Your word isContinue reading “On Swear Words”
On Language
Said I tonight at work, “The kittens are living behind my wheelie bin.” My assistant manager looked at me. “Your ‘wheelie bin’?” “You know,” I said, “my wheelie bin.” “Which is…?” “The garbage can I push out to the street every week?” “So, your garbage can.” “Right. My wheelie bin.” And then I realized that,Continue reading “On Language”