LEGO and forced perspective together make for an awesome little film: Build Anything from Studiocanoe on Vimeo. It’s fun and it’s jaunty and it’s fun. Yes, I snagged this from Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish; it’s a blog I love to read. 🙂
Category Archives: LEGO
On a New LEGO Video Game
Have I mentioned recently how much I like LEGO? Didn’t think so. There’s a LEGO strategy game coming out for the Nintendo DS. Think Age of Empires, but with LEGO! It’s called LEGO Battles, and it starts out with Castles, then Pirates, and finally Space! You build buildings, and they’re LEGO buildings. Then you buildContinue reading “On a New LEGO Video Game”
On LEGO Cars and Standards
A LEGO car came in my box of Cheerios. I’ve had it sitting on my desk since Friday. It came preassembled. I’ve rolled it back and forth. It came with stickers. That seemed odd. I’ve taken the car apart. It’s three pieces. Premolded pieces. A wheel piece in black. A body piece in yellow. AContinue reading “On LEGO Cars and Standards”
More on LEGO Doctor Who!
I want LEGO Doctor Who. I want it, want it, want it! I really, really want it! Fortunately, lots of other people want it, too. And someone put the question to none other than executive producer Julie Gardner. Why no LEGO Doctor Who? The answer? “Doctor Who needs to be bigger in the US toContinue reading “More on LEGO Doctor Who!”
On LEGOs I Don’t Want
Using the power of Google, someone wanted to find information on “Lego Minifig George Bush.” And that brought the person to me. Specifically, to this post on LEGO videos, including LEGO-fied versions of the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Halo 2 video game trailers. A post where I used words “LEGO” and “Minifig.” Minifig,Continue reading “On LEGOs I Don’t Want”
On BrickJournal
I love LEGO. No surprise there. Others decorate their cubicles at work with action figures. I have LEGO TIE-Fighters. If I could figure out a way of getting the USS Constellation to work safely, I’d decorate my cubicle with that, too. (Maybe in the spring, when I have a new cubicle on the fourth floor.Continue reading “On BrickJournal”
On LEGO Doctor Who
Six weeks back I wrote about the need for LEGO and the BBC to put their heads together and bring out a line of Doctor Who LEGO sets. Apparently, I’m not the only one to feel there’s an obvious need to be filled, as there’s an entire thread at TrekBBS on the subject. Interestingly, theContinue reading “On LEGO Doctor Who”
On Other Needed LEGOs
Three weeks ago I’d mentioned how some phrases kept turning up in my search logs, phrases related to LEGO Doctor Who. Strangely, after writing about the need for LEGO Doctor Who products, people stopped “asking.” Go figure. Howsomever, LEGO searches have remained popular. Just from the last week: LEGO Batman Killer Croc LEGO Frodo StarContinue reading “On Other Needed LEGOs”
On Needed LEGOs
I’ve noticed some interesting — and similar — search phrases in the logs recently. Phrases such as: LEGO Sarah Jane LEGO Doctor Who LEGO Daleks LEGO Doctor Who video game Yes, there are people out there wanting information on LEGO Doctor Who products. LEGO Doctor Who! There are LEGO Star Wars sets. LEGO Batman sets.Continue reading “On Needed LEGOs”
On LEGO Madness
I had linked to this several years ago, but when going back through the archives adding tags in the spring I discovered that, alas, the URL no longer worked. So, with great reluctance, I deleted the post. It didn’t work, and I didn’t want someone stumbling across it and becoming confused by a 404. HereContinue reading “On LEGO Madness”