On Microsoft Word

I have a pet-hate for Microsoft Word. I disagree with its grammer checking mode. Take this sentence–“Lights dim.” It’s a perfectly good sentence. Microsoft Word considers this a sentence fragment. Excuse me? What more does it need? I have a subject–“Lights”–that acts on its own–they “dim.” I could have written “Lights go dark” but IContinue reading “On Microsoft Word”

On Summer

It hasn’t just been hot–temperates flirting in the triple digits–recently. No, it’s been positively sultry, too, in North Carolina. Heat on its own is fine. Humidity on its own isn’t fine, but it’s tolerable. Combine the two? Downright miserable. It’s bad enough that you need air conditioning in the car. I’m a roll-the-windows down kindContinue reading “On Summer”