I don’t know about anyone else, but my sleep patterns have turned to utter chaos these last three weeks. One night I might have bifurcated sleep (sleep, significant break, sleep), the next restless near-insomnia, and the next ten solid hours of sleeping like the dead. That, at least, has been my pattern over these lastContinue reading “Wrapping Up the Catalog Copy”
Tag Archives: Microsoft-Word
On Linguistic Oddities
Dear Microsoft, “Peckish” is a word. It means “hungry.” I use it in regular conversation. Okay, maybe twice a month. If I’m lucky. But certainly more than five or six times a year. About “peckish.” Word not only flagged it as a misspelling, but Word also tried to change it to “puckish.” I may useContinue reading “On Linguistic Oddities”
On Writing Macros At Work
For a variety of reasons, I needed to talk to a colleague of mine at work today. He’d needed a document from me yesterday, and I wanted to check and see if that was something that he was going to need on a monthly basis going forward. Never hurts to check, right? Well, in theContinue reading “On Writing Macros At Work”
On Frustrations with Word
Sometimes I just don’t get Microsoft Word. It decided, for some reason, that several paragraphs were misspelled. The entire paragraphs. Words like “the” were, at least according to Word, misspelled in those two paragraphs. Everything was underlined in red. I decided to run a spellcheck on the entire document. Perhaps, I thought, this would kickContinue reading “On Frustrations with Word”
On Writing Word Macros
Sometimes my Microsoft Word macro coding skills surprise even myself. Once a month, every month, I create about two dozen files. Word documents, Excel spreadsheets — you name it, I’m creating it. Fortunately, nothing in Powerpoint, because Powerpoint es el Diablo. Wait. Why am I writing en espanol? No habla espanol, por favor. This isContinue reading “On Writing Word Macros”
On Organizing Templates
Sometimes I’m stupid. Sometimes I make myself feel stupid. Today was one of those days. Over the years I’ve collected a fair number of custom templates for Microsoft Word. I have a screenplay template, for instance. I’ve created a few specialized letter templates. I have some templates I’d put together for EB Games. And I’veContinue reading “On Organizing Templates”
On Word Macros
I’ve written my first Microsoft Word macro since, let me think, 1999. I’ve recorded macros to do repetitive tasks, but for work I needed something a little more… robust. Yeah, robust. That’s a good word. Robust. Wait. What was I saying? Oh, yes. There’s a process I have to run once a month. I ranContinue reading “On Word Macros”
On Microsoft Word
I have a pet-hate for Microsoft Word. I disagree with its grammer checking mode. Take this sentence–“Lights dim.” It’s a perfectly good sentence. Microsoft Word considers this a sentence fragment. Excuse me? What more does it need? I have a subject–“Lights”–that acts on its own–they “dim.” I could have written “Lights go dark” but IContinue reading “On Microsoft Word”